Pastors: Maximize Your Time

We Equip Your Leaders to Help Struggling Couples

Up to 30% of couples are struggling to the point of talking about divorce, but few ask for help. (See our report for detailed statistics.)

Connected Marriage makes it easy for you to build or start a marriage ministry to help these couples.

Marriage Education Delivered On-Demand

Complete Training for Marriage Mentors and Coaches

Easy to Implement

 Builds Strong Families, Spiritual Growth and Financial Strength

Let Connected Marriage Equip Your Marriage Leaders.

What’s it Take to Implement?

  1. Recruit a couple you trust
  2. Let us train them
  3. Refer couples to them

That’s it. No need for a sermon series. No need for a big announcement or a complicated roll out. You don’t even need to organize a small group, unless you want one.

Just refer the couples in need to your trusted leaders. Connected Marriage provides complete training and support.




It’s Easy to Implement.


It’s Credible.

Connected Marriage is based on curriculum refined over a ten-year period. The material contains the essential building blocks that hurting couples need to build connection. Based on Biblical truths.

The content has been developed and reviewed by a team of pastors, therapists and psychologists. It’s based on best practice research that contains the core essentials that couples need to rebuild.

We Train Marriage Mentors

Connected Marriage provides step-by-step training to help someone mentor. Remember, this is marriage education. The mentor’s role isn’t to fix a couple’s problems, it’s to educate and to help the couple apply the key concepts explained in the online learning.

The mentor simply assigns an online lesson to complete before the next meeting. After the couple completes the lesson, the mentor receives a customized report to use as a guide during the next meeting.

Your mentor receives:

  • Access to the 6 hours of mentee training based on over 25 key concepts
  • 6 couple reports, 1 for each meeting, filled with customized insight for the couple
  • Suggested questions to ask for each meeting
  • Mentor guides for working either with a group or an individual couple
  • Over 3 hours of interactive online training on how to mentor
  • Insight from mental health professionals

Who Would Make a Good Marriage Mentor?

Marriage Mentor Qualifications

As a pastor, who should you trust as a marriage mentor? We suggest you ask yourself 3 questions about your potential mentors:

  1. Are they leader material?
  2. Are they committed to their marriage?
  3. Are they working on improving their marriage?

A marriage mentor is in a leadership position inside of the church. Are they committed to Christ and growing in their faith? Are they able to pray with and for others? Do you trust them to be in a leadership position? Would you feel good about them teaching a class or leading a small group?

We look for mentors that are committed to their marriage and working to improve. This may seem like a low bar. We have found that some of the best mentors are couples that were struggling in their marriage and are now working on healing. Many of these couples have been close to divorce. Helping another couple actually helps the mentor couple to heal. The wisdom gained by working through tough issues can be helpful for the hurting couple.

Marriage Mentor Values

Your strength is from God, not your own experience or your own knowledge. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to empathize and to pray.
We are able to heal when we are able to be honest with God, ourselves and with others. We prefer marriage mentors that can be transparent. You set the tone for how transparent your mentees will be. Being honest sets an example and creates a safe environment for vulnerability.
In I Corinthians 1:4 it says, “…the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

Your biggest challenges in your marriage can become your biggest opportunities in helping others to heal. This is why we love to have mentors that have struggled through issues like affairs, addictions, disconnection and poor communication – basically, any issue that another couple can relate to.  

Beginning mentors are great at giving advice and fixing. But, it’s often not very effective. One of the biggest challenges in becoming a mentor is not immediately rushing to advice. It’s much better to get a couple to find their own answers.  Get comfortable with uncomfortable conversations.
Stay curious. Your couple will own the solution much more if they come up with it themselves. The role of mentor is more about asking questions to raise awareness. 
What works for me may not work for you. Every couple needs to figure out what works for them. You can explain how you do it, but be open to allowing their solution to be different than what you would choose.
You don’t own the couple’s emotions or their problems. You can’t fix them. You’re not responsible for their success or for their failure. You can pray, be curious and encourage them. You can help apply the key concepts and best practices, but they own the work. 

Would You Like to Experience It?

Here’s what’s inside:

  • Learning that is more effective than just video alone
  • Overview of the topics
  • Lesson samples
  • Testimonies by couples and therapists
  • An explanation of the couple reports
  • Overview of the Step-by-Step Mentor Training

Experience the Demo

Online marriage mentor program

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